ProjectButler depends on PHP4 and MySQL, and of course you need a web server such as Apache. To enable PHP4 to interact with MySQL, install PEAR. One some systems it's included with PHP4, but e.g. Debian has an own package for it.
You have to install them before you can even begin installing ProjectButler, but they should come with most major Linux distributions, anyway. Optionally, you can also install OpenLDAP to handle all contacts through it. If you want LDAP, don't forget to install LDAP support for PHP4!
You can download the ProjectButler tarball from
Extract this tarball to your web server's DocumentRoot, e.g. /var/www. ProjectButler will extract into a subdirectory named "projectbutler".
Create a file named /etc/projectbutler/, which should look like this:
<?php define("DBTYPE","mysql"); define("DBHOST","databasehost"); define("DBUSER","databaseuser"); define("DBPASSWORD","password"); define("DBNAME","ProjectButler"); ?>
This configuration file should be fairly self-explaining. DBHOST is the host on which MySQL is running (e.g. localhost). DBUSER is the user that ProjectButler shall use to connect to MySQL, and it shall authenticate with the password given in DBPASSWORD. The database it should use is configured via DBNAME. You can use any name for this database.
Now you need to create the database inside MySQL. Be sure to use the same database name you configured before (in our example "ProjectButler")! You can create the database with the following command:
mysqladmin -u root create ProjectButler
Now, you can create the tables that are required by ProjectButler. We have prepared a dump file which will do this for you. You can find it in the extracted directory, in the subdirectory "sql". The dump file is named base.sql. To create the tables and insert basis data, issue the following command:
mysql -u root ProjectButler < /var/www/projectbutler/sql/base.sql
The dump file for the table structure of ProjectButler 0.2 is included as base-0.2.sql. It isn't needed anymore, and is only kept for historic reasons.
If you have version 0.2 of ProjectButler running on your system, you need to upgrade the tables before being able to use ProjectButler 0.3. For this, you need to run the following command:
mysql -u root ProjectButler < /var/www/projectbutler/sql/upgrade-0.2-0.3.sql
Edit secrets/ and set your preferred language. Currently, the only languages available are English (set "en") and German (unset $lang, since it is the default language). For an example on how to create more translations, look at includes/lang/en.php.
Start your favorite browser and enter the URL of your ProjectButler installation. If everything went OK, you can login with the user "admin" and the password "passme". From there on, you can change your password, and create more users.
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